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What is Delta 8?

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What is Delta 8? Does it Show up on a Drug Test?

Delta 8 has become an increasingly popular trend in the cannabis community lately, and with that, more and more people have been asking us questions such as:


What is Delta 8 THC?

Delta-8 THC is like a cousin of Delta-9 THC. It has psychoactive properties similar to those found in Delta 9 THC, which is what’s responsible for giving you that “high” effect.

Delta-8 THC can give you a sense of euphoria; however, many users report a smoother experience compared to Delta-9 THC (marijuana) because it is approximately 50% less psychoactive, so users don’t feel overwhelmed with the more potent Delta-9 THC, making it ideal for users who wish to experience those similar effects, without the paranoia or anxiety.

Delta 8 THC is a naturally occurring compound found in every cannabis plant, but in small concentrations. Some people create Delta-8 THC by using a chemical process called isomerization to convert Delta-9 and other cannabinoids like CBD into Delta-8 THC, while other companies like PurWell make pure Delta 8 products by deriving them from organic, USDA-approved hemp at a large scale.

What’s the Difference Between Delta 8 and Delta 9?

Scientifically speaking, the difference between Delta 8 and Delta 9 THC is that Delta 8 has a double bond on the eighth carbon atom in its molecular structure and Delta 9 has a double bond on the ninth carbon atom.

Compared to its Delta 9 THC cousin, Delta 8 THC is “smoother” and produces lower levels of psychoactivity (euphoria), which is good for those seeking refuge in hemp or cannabis to reduce anxiety, “chill out,” and “take the edge off.”

Oftentimes, what happens to those who use cannabis (marijuana) to de-stress is they find themselves doing just the opposite by amplifying the feelings they were trying to reduce, and a sense of paranoia may set it. This is because the percentage of THC in the cannabis is too strong or potent, and it can make people feel uncomfortable.

Another difference is that unlike Delta 9 THC, which is heavily regulated, Delta 8 THC is derived from hemp, a legal crop in all 50 states, it more readily available throughout the United States. This also means that a person is not required to have a medical marijuana card or to live in a state where there are recreational or medical marijuana laws in order to obtain and use Delta 8-derived products.

Furthermore, whereas Delta 9 has an affinity for Cannabinoid 1 receptors (CB1), Delta 8 has an affinity for both Cannabinoid 1 and Cannabinoid 2 receptors (CB2,) so some users report feeling a more therapeutic response cerebrally (in the head/mind), while others report a decline in body pain and relaxation. Each person’s experience will differ slightly or widely depending on several factors.

Is Delta 8 Legal?

Delta 8 has been around for a while now and has, for the most, part been an unregulated part of the cannabis industry. This is mainly because Delta 8 is derived from hemp, which is legal to farm.

But due to the recent gaining in popularity, Delta 8 has since been starting to get regulated or restricted in certain states.

We gathered this information from CBD Oracle to show you which states allow or don’t allow Delta 8 products, but be sure to research the legalities in your own state before buying anything!

The 20 States that have banned, regulated, or restricted Delta 8:

  1. Alaska
  2. Arizona
  3. Arkansas
  4. California
  5. Colorado
  6. Connecticut
  7. Delaware
  8. Kentucky
  9. Idaho
  10. Iowa
  11. Mississippi
  12. Montana
  13. New York
  14. Nevada
  15. Rhode Island
  16. Utah
  17. Vermont
  18. Washington
  19. Michigan
  20. North Dakota

The 4 States that are currently reviewing Delta 8:

  1. Alabama
  2. Illinois
  3. Oklahoma
  4. Oregon

The 26 States where Delta 8 is currently available:

  1. Texas
  2. Wyoming
  3. New Mexico
  4. South Dakota
  5. Nebraska
  6. Kansas
  7. Minnesota
  8. Missouri
  9. Louisiana
  10. Wisconsin
  11. Indiana
  12. Tennessee
  13. Ohio
  14. Georgia
  15. Florida
  16. West Virginia
  17. Virginia
  18. North Carolina
  19. South Carolina
  20. Maryland
  21. Pennsylvania
  22. New Jersey
  23. Maine
  24. New Hampshire
  25. Massachusetts
  26. Hawaii

Is Delta 8 Safe?

When it comes to Delta 8, then again, like Delta 9, you can’t directly take too much of it and overdose.

But due to the lack of regulation, you CAN get hurt by other substances found in the Delta-8 product molds, pesticides, or other chemicals. That’s why we recommend you avoid buying CBD in places like gas stations.

There’s a lack of evidence and medical research on Delta 8 when it comes to your overall health, although people have reported certain health benefits like:

  • Suppressed nausea
  • A better appetite
  • Pain relief
  • Mental health clarity

Some people may confuse Delta 8 products with CBD and accidentally consume too much of it, in which case they may feel a variety of psychoactive symptoms they were otherwise not expecting, adding to the initial discomfort.

Some of these symptoms were:

  • Anxiety or panic
  • Trouble with balance and coordination
  • Fast-paced thoughts

Although Delta 8 hasn’t been evaluated by the FDA, it is overall safe to consume, but again, be cautious where you source your products from and make sure you get them from a reputable company like PurWell instead of any regular gas station or headshop.

Does Delta 8 Show Up On a Drug Test?


Since Delta 8 THC is a cannabinoid that shares many similarities with Delta 9 THC, you can absolutely count on failing a drug test if you take Delta 8 and have a test coming up. There may be some methods of detox that can help, but even those can be unreliable and we always recommend just staying clean and avoid using the product as a Delta 9 alternative if you have an upcoming drug test.

Delta 8 THC should not stay in your system as long as Delta 9, but even first-time users can have traces of THC that remains detectable in their system for 2-3 weeks by urine, and even longer by hair sample.

What Are Some Ways You Can Take Delta 8?

Like Delta-9 THC, there are a variety of ways you can consume THC products. Forms include tinctures, vape pens and gummies.

The form you take your THC in is entirely a personal preference. Some people prefer eating gummies, and some people like to inhale or “vape” it – it is your choice, but just make sure you get your Delta-8 THC products from a reliable source that can provide 3rd party lab tests on all their products.

Another thing you want to look out for in a THC product is the dosage. Many people think “oh since it’s legal and I can get it over the counter, then it can’t be strong” – do not fall into this category and make that assumption. Consuming too much Delta-8 THC can lead to some of the unpleasant experiences mentioned earlier like anxiety, paranoia, fear, or nausea.

If you take a Delta-8 THC edible and do not feel anything after 30 minutes, you should give yourself another 30 minutes to evaluate the results before taking more as the effects could take a little longer to kick in, since it must go through digestion prior to getting into the bloodstream. So, do not be impatient. It is best to err on the side of caution and approach Delta-8 THC like all other hemp-derived products –  Start low and go slow!

Shop for High Quality Delta 8 Products at PurWell

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