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How to Sober Up Fast From Weed

Banner style photo of marijuana buds

How to Sober Up Fast From Weed Table of Contents Let’s face it! More and more people are using cannabis A.K.A. Marijuana these days, including Baby Boomers, which, depending on what generation you grew up in, means YOUR PARENTS! Heck, your grandparents may even be using the Ole’ hippie lettuce to help them address various […]

What’s a CBD Roll On? Do They Work?

PurWell CBD Roll On

What’s a CBD Roll On? What Are They Used For? Table of Contents Whether you are new to CBD products or a veteran user, one thing is certain – the number of options and form factors are dizzying! For people trying to choose the best CBD product for their symptoms or conditions, it can be […]

Is CBD Safe for Dogs?

Is CBD Safe for Dogs? Table of Contents Is CBD for Dogs Different than CBD for Humans? A dog’s health, hunger, comfort, and well-being typically take precedence over that of their human owners, so when it comes time to choose a CBD product for our furry four-legged friends, it is important to know what you […]

Does CBD Help with Anxiety?

Does CBD Help with Anxiety? Table of Contents What is CBD? CBD or Cannabidiol, is one of over 140 compounds in the cannabis or hemp plant that has been linked to numerous health benefits. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol,) the psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis that causes the “high,” CBD is not a psychotropic, so it won’t make […]

CBD vs THC: What’s the Difference?

CBD vs THC – What’s the Difference? Table of Contents What is CBD? Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is one of over 140 medicinal compounds found in the cannabis and hemp plant. It is referred to as a cannabinoid, and it is the most abundant cannabinoid in the hemp plant. Unlike its cousin, THC, CBD […]

Can You Take CBD Gummies On An Empty Stomach?

Can You Take CBD Gummies On An Empty Stomach? Table of Contents Before jumping into the answers to this question, it is particularly important to understand what bioavailability means and how it impacts the effects of CBD in the body. Bioavailability, also known as absorption, is the rate and extent that hemp-derived cannabinoids (or any […]

What are Delta 8 Gummies? Your Questions Answered

What Are Delta 8 Gummies? All Your Questions Answered Table of Contents What is Delta 8? Delta 8 is a naturally occurring, psychoactive compound found in cannabis plants. This compound is similar in structure and the effects it produces to that of the more known Delta 9 THC, which is found in marijuana. Some companies […]

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